Томатно-яблочный соус

5 комментариев

Томатно-яблочный соус6(шесть) кг помидоров, 2(два) стол. нарезанных яблок, 3(три) кг сладкого перца, 2(два) стол. изюма, 1(один) стол. порезанного лука, 3,5 стол. сахара, 0,5 стол. соли, 3(три) стол. винного либо столового уксуса, 60 (грам) сухой горчицы, 2(два) стл. молотого имбиря.

Помидоры очистить от кожицы, 'разрезать на 4(четыти) части. Убрать сердцевину из яблок, мелко порезать яблоки a тaкже лук, сладкий перчик очистить от семян a тaкже измельчить. Все продукты уложить в кастрюлю, добавить уксус, сахар, соль, изюм, горчицу, имбирь (необязательно). Проварить на слабом огне 2(два) чяйная. Охладить. Выложить в банки. Закрыть крышками. Хранить в темном месте.

5 комментариев

Vincebaby, 17 января 2016 20:27

The myelin sheath gives a white appearance to the nerve berhence the term white matter as in parts of the spinal cord and the white matter of the brain and most peripheral STIMULUS Nerve impulse AXON Terminal end fiber Vesicle Neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters Receptor Inactivator DENDRITE Nerve impulse FIGURE Parts of a neuron and the pathway of a nervous impulse.Hyperhidrosiset al.It is also unclear if bacteria in the prostate proliferate in a environment protected by biofilms as this may affect the choice of antibiotics Arakawa et al viagra express shipment A complete blood count CBC test measures the following The number of red blood cells RBC count The number of white blood cells WBC count The total amount of hemoglobin in the blood The fraction of the blood composed of red blood cells hematocrit The CBC test also provides information about the following measurements Average red blood cell size MCV Hemoglobin amount per red blood cell MCH The amount of hemoglobin relative to the size of the cell hemoglobin concentration per red blood cell MCHC The platelet count is also usually included in the CBC.B chest radiograph upright showing bilateral subdiaphragmatic intraperitoneal air.PREFIXES PREFIX MEANING TERMINOLOGY MEANING ab away from abduction Ducto means to lead.Boland C.The thyroid gland is located at the front of the neck above where the collar bones meet.It is an obstetric emergency. buen hora para tomar propecia Digestive enzymes attack pancreatic tissue and damage the gland..B.hypercapniaSpecifically in this lecture you will learn about upcoming changes in medical care and health education. lasix ol et al.Alzheimers disease is the most common type of dementia.The process of being able to feel pain is called nociception. finax for sale Limit animal protein intake in patients with hyperuricosuria uric acid stones.Some treatments helped but others were damaging and even cruel.What might explain this troubling finding Recall that depression is currently the top cause of disability in adults to years old worldwide.Air then is expelled out of the lungs to equalize the pressure this is exhalation expiration.Symptoms Symptoms of dermatitis herpetiformis tend to come and go.plastyet al. accutane buy us To conclude this injury was so well handled that beyond my expectation the patient recovered.
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