Пять рецептов от гайморита

3 комментария
Пять рецептов от гайморита

 Замесить из ржаной муки и 1 ст.л. меда две сосульки, вставить по одной в каждую ноздрю. Держать 30 минут. Как правило облегчение наступает после первой процедуры, но если заболевание застарелое, лечение надо повторить.

 На раскаленный кирпич лить чесночную воду и вдыхать пары носом, выдыхать ртом.

 Смешать 1 ст.л. меда и 1 ч.л. соли «Экстра», нанести на лоб от виска до виска. Прикрыть полиэтиленом и укутать. С компрессом можно ходить, ложиться нельзя. Через два-три часа из носа начнет выходить густая слизь. Сделать несколько процедур.

 Смешать по 1 ч.л. сока корнеплода цикламена, репчатого лука, каланхоэ, алоэ, меда и мази Вишневского. Обмотать две спички ватой, смочить их в полученной смеси и поместить в ноздри на 30 минут. Курс лечения — 20 дней.

 0,5 ст измельченного хрена смешать с соком двух-трех лимонов и принимать по 0,5 ч.л. утром и днем за 30 минут до еды.

Анатолий ХИРИЛОВ, травник, г. Макеевка Донецкой обл.

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3 комментария

Vincebaby, 27 декабря 2015 13:43

When the body begins to fall its velocity is zero and the only force acting on it is the weight but as the body gains speed the force of air resistance grows and the net accelerating force on the body decreases.The mechanism by which these compounds induce penile erection is apparently secondary to the release of NO which in turn causes the activation of oxytocinergic neurons.Dinsmore and Wyllie buy azithromycin online overnight The hippocampus doesnt really generate emotions but its influenced heavily by emotions.These studies detect occlusion in blood vessels. trusted site for generic cialis In most countries the question of who should have the power to make such lifeordeath decisions is part of an ongoing debate that shows little sign of being resolved.So negative results should be interpreted with caution if patient has a high clinical probability of PE..Continue Find out more Oxford JournalsMedicine Family Practice Volume Issue Pp.HighYield Neuroanatomy is there a 100 mg cialis B.PDE Inhibitor Versus NonPDE Inhibitor Sildenafil was associated with fewer adverse events than nonPDE inhibitorsAcute means that the symptoms develop very quickly. viagra online india The force F n includes the weight W the surface.Hyponatremia Measure serum High Hypertonic hyponatremia presence of osmotic substances Hyperglycemia Mannitol glycerol osmolality Normal Pseudohyponatremia proteins TGs Low True hyponatremia Assess ECF volume status Low total body Na is low Normal High Hypovolemic Euvolemic SIADH Psychogenic polydipsia Postoperative Hypervolemic CHF Nephrotic syndrome Liver disease Hypothyroidism Measure urine Na Low Extrarenal salt loss Diarrhea vomiting Diaphoresis Third spacing High Renal salt loss Excessive diuretic use Low aldosterone ATN Adapted from HarwoodNuss A Wolfson AB.Indeed a great number of diseases were thought to be sanguine in nature which is why the practice of bloodletting see pp.This was followed by news that other gene therapy trials had failed with more than reports of adverse events including deaths. prednisone without prescription CT stands for computed tomography..With the second downward spiral depressed mood causes people to have less interest less enjoyment and less energy so it causes people to be less active which makes them more depressed which makes them less active which makes them more depressed and so on.This phenomenon is used to advantage in radia tion therapy.
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