Суп молочный с салмой

3 комментария
Суп молочный с салмой

350-400 (грамм) молока, 80-100 (грамм) водной мaccы, 100 (грамм) картофеля, 20 (грамм) лука репчастого, 10 (грамм) масла постного, 50 (грамм) салмы, соль, перчик. Налить в кастрюлю молока и водной мaccы и прокипятить. Потом выложить лук, соль и очень мелко порезанный картофель. Когда картофель приготовиться, заложить салму. В приготовленный суп добавить сливочное масло.

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3 комментария

Vincebaby, 5 января 2016 13:56

PET scanning has determined that schizophrenics do not metabolize glucose equally in all parts of the brain and that drug treatment can bring improvement to these regions.Etienne M PestelCaron M Chavanet P Caron F. levitra que precio tiene Health maintenance issues in cirrhosis.Nociceptin in doses of viagra 40 for 99 r.Cramplike pain is usually not serious and is more likely to be due to gas and bloating.Philadelphia Pa Lippincott Williams Wilkins FigureRate control with a blocker or calcium channel blocker b. priligy c est quoi Field Guide to the Chest XRay.In brief this initial report tracked the first consecutive trial enrolees for a year after surgery.device enabling ventricles to beat in synchrony cardiac resynchronization therapy insufcient oxygen being supplied to the heart muscle ischemia H IThis can lead to two conditions depending on the severity and location of the tear.Acetaminophen or ibuprofen b. kamagra oral jelly no presc C.The lens of the eye cannot become fat to bend the rays coming from near objects less than feet.Hypocalcemia results as calcium remains in bones and is unable to enter the bloodstream.To illustrate this we will calculate the rate of sweating required for a person walking nude in the sun at a rate of mph with the ambient temperature at CHow would you further evaluate this patientu. difference entre cialis et viagra The coronary arteries are a pair of blood vessels that arise from the aorta and supply oxygenated blood to the heart.One of the earliest works celebrating the microscope and illustrating its potential was the impressive Micrographia by English scientist inventor naturalist philosopher and architect Robert Hooke.Shamans are believed to be in contact with the spirit world and use rituals and amulets that are said to heal the sick and prevent disease.
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