Запеканка из ревеня, белоcнежного хлеба и творога

3 комментария

ванилин либо цедра лимон - 1(один) щепотка яичко - 4(четыре) шт. молоко - 4(четыре) столовые ложки. ревень - 400г творог - 400г сахар - 200г сливочное масло или же маргарин - 100г белоcнежный хлеб (черствый) - 400г Ревень порезать, засыпать 100 (грамм) сахара, дать постоять. С хлеба на терке стереть корочку. Мякоть порезать квадратиками или же кусочками, пожарить в жире. Творог перемешать с остальным сахаром и специями. В намазанную жиром формочку выложить ряд хлеба, ряд творожной массы, ряд ревеня, залить консистенцией взбитого яичка и молока. Запечь в духовке. Подавать с сиропом от ревеня.

3 комментария

PorteShout, 11 января 2016 18:33

Health Solutions Ebix Inc. furosemide nodule Solid round or oval elevated lesion cm or more in diameter.Other medical problems may also cause higherthannormal blood glucose levels including Overactive thyroid gland Pancreatic cancer Pancreatitis Rare tumors including pheochromocytomaacromegalyCushing syndrome or glucagonoma Lowerthannormal blood glucose levels hypoglycemia may be due to Hypopituitarism a pituitary gland disorder Underactive thyroid gland Insulinoma very rare Too little food Too much insulin or other diabetes medications Risks Veins and arteries vary in size from one patient to another and from one side of the body to the other.E.If this condition lasts for one year its prevalence is also two per but if it lasts for ten years and does not cause death within this period its prevalence is eventually perA commonly tested topic Quick Hit Do not confuse allergic con tact dermatitis with any of the following Irritant contact dermatitis Rash is usually identical to that seen in allergic con tact dermatitis except the rash begins very soon after exposure. viagra cost per 100mg pill hydrocortisonephagiaThe D in type D essentially stands for distressed.Small cell lung cancer SCLC of lung cancers b.oligomenorrhea G State whether the following sentences are true or false and explain your answers. sildenafil 100mg for sale Hydrogen bonds are depicted as arrows pointing from hydrogen bond donor to acceptor.Patellar tendinitis jumpers knee a.PaCO PaOLoss of intellectual abilities with impairment of memory judgment and reasoning isnephrology N kamagra and the fda Total body water TBW Intracellular of TBW Plasma Extracellular of TBW Interstitial of TBW Venous fluid of plasma of TBW Arterial fluid of plasmaControl sonography reveals normalized seminal vesicles in most cases.. cheap levitra for sale Vasopressors may be used if hypotension persists despite aggressive IV fluid resuscitation.et al.pulmonary resection RESPIRATORY SYSTEM L Circle the boldface term that best completes the meaning of each sentence.
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