Запеканка из ревеня, белоcнежного хлеба и творога

3 комментария

ванилин либо цедра лимон - 1(один) щепотка яичко - 4(четыре) шт. молоко - 4(четыре) столовые ложки. ревень - 400г творог - 400г сахар - 200г сливочное масло или же маргарин - 100г белоcнежный хлеб (черствый) - 400г Ревень порезать, засыпать 100 (грамм) сахара, дать постоять. С хлеба на терке стереть корочку. Мякоть порезать квадратиками или же кусочками, пожарить в жире. Творог перемешать с остальным сахаром и специями. В намазанную жиром формочку выложить ряд хлеба, ряд творожной массы, ряд ревеня, залить консистенцией взбитого яичка и молока. Запечь в духовке. Подавать с сиропом от ревеня.

3 комментария

Vincebaby, 16 января 2016 10:31

Ha US Kim ME Kim CS et al.Its all about wanting to pass on your genes to procreate.Most patients with CLL are years of age.Another type of goiter is nodular or adenomatous goiter in which hyperplasia occurs as well as formation of nodules and adenomas. what are the highest mg of cialis Physicians use a nasogastric NG tube to remove uid postoperatively and to obtain gastric or intestinal contents for analysis FigureInherited metabolic diseases e.Check the Pronunciation of Terms on pages to for any unfamiliar words.U.Patients on longterm steroid therapy This is the most common cause of sec ondary adrenal insufficiency today.The term initially referred to Indias most ancient religious texts or scriptures the four Vedas which date back at least years and were based on even more ancient texts.J Urol priligy mercadolibre ecuador In Feldman M Friedman LS Brandt LJ eds.A team working in Rome establishes that human malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles.e.Inc. viagra vente libre paris lymphoid organ in the mediastinum that conditions T cells to react to foreign cells in the immune responseOliguria progressing to anuria may not be reversible if therapy is delayed Quick Hit Excessive water intake alone rarely leads to hypo natremia because the kid neys have a great capacity to excrete water.Kanda raise the possibility that a toxic component of the contrast agent may remain in the body long after administration.There are also a small number of pharmacotherapy agents that might be helpful as well as increasingly popular weightreduction surgeries.Weight loss c.Decreased glucose tolerance diabetesMost people with Addisons disease are taught to give themselves an emergency injection of hydrocortisone or increase their dose of oral prednisone in times of stress. comprar cialis reembolso Questions to ConsiderA urologist may be able to properly perform the bacterial localization studies necessary to diagnose CBP.therapy with methotrexate reduced the overall mortality by primarily by reducing cardiovascular deaths.good exaggerated feeling of wellbeing phoria chewable viagra soft tabs Dietary deficiencyincreased iron requirementsprimarily seen in these three age groups Infants and toddlers Occurs especially if the diet is predominantly human milk low in iron.
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