Что в имени моем

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Одним из растений, включенных в списки Карла Великого, был анис обыкновенный PimpineФФ anisum L. Его второе название Anisum vuФare Jжrtn. Родовое имя PimpineФФ - скорее всего искаженное латинское bipennuФ, происходящее от слов "дважды" и "перышки". Оно указывает на дважды перистые верхние листья растения. Есть, правда, другая версия, связанная с немецким понятием "дрожать" и обусловленная большой подвижностью соцветия. Родовое название Anisum встречается у многих древних авторов, но происхождение его неясно. Одни считают, что оно образовалось от греческого "посылать вверх", другие - от "зажигать", объясняя это вкусом семян.

Вообще-то род PimpineФФ (по-русски - бедренец) включает около 100 видов, однако наиболее популярен во всех странах бедренец анис или анис обыкновенный.

5 комментариев

PorteShout, 3 февраля 2016 13:16

In terms of the four functions of support a pet or an animal might be able to provide emotional supportprobably not so much in the way of advice problem solving or tangible support although guide dogs and therapy dogs can certainly be helpful in a very practical and tangible way.The fundamental mechanisms mediating these changes are thought to be the same as for other diabetic complications increased polyol pathway flux intracellular accumulation of AGEs activation of protein kinase C and increased flux through the hexosamine pathway.SPECTROSCOPY The absorption and emission spectra of atoms and molecules are unique for each species. generic cialis online europe found no evidence for a role of VIP in the regulation of tone in the canine CC.All diseases were significantly associated with ED except high blood cholesterol level which was associated with ED after adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics but not after adjustment for all other diseases.i cialis tiempo en hacer efecto M.The expression for the period in Eq.Philadelphia PaSaunders Elsevier chapFLORENCE NIGHTINGALE the very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE impressed by their nursing work and high standards of care compared with their lax illeducated English counterparts.immune idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura A.Philadelphia PA Lippincott Williams Wilkins Figure lasix with no scrpit Fat is denser water is next followed by hard materials such as calcium in bone which is the densest and transmits least.Pathophysiology a.Check the lactate level if acute mesenteric ischemia is suspected.Markedly limiting. viagra cheap Like Paracelsus and Agrippa he was keen on the use of minerals and extracts as drugs but less enthusiastic about the mysticism and Hermetic traditions of alchemy.Homophobia can neither be separated from their non acceptance if the person shows this behaviours and subsequent attempts at removal denial or avoidance. achat viagra en ligne bursting forth of blood
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