Караси в сметане

4 комментария

Филе карася - 600 грамм, моркови - 1 шт., репчатый лук - 1 шт., сметана - 1 стакан, сливочное масло - 2(два) стол. ложк., мука - 1 стол. ложк., соль, темный помеленный перчик, зелень - по своему вкусу.

Филе промыть и порезать кусочками, потом присолить. Овощи почистить, порезать крупными кусочками, зелень нашинковать. Выложить кусочки рыбы в кастрюлю либо глубокую сковородку, обложить лучком, морковью, петрушкой, залить кипятком (3 стакана), закрыть крышкой и проварить вплоть до готовности 25 - 35 мин..

Масло растопить на сковородке добавить муку и обжаривать в течении 4 - 7 минут, вечно мешая. Вылить сметану, присолить, приперчить, внимательно помешать и через 3 минуты убрать с огня.

Рыбу с овощами положить на блюдо, залить сметанным соусом и посыпать зеленью петрушки.

4 комментария

Williinvime, 5 января 2016 12:59

In COPD exacerbation group testosterone and DHEAS levels were lower and LH FSH were higher compared with controls.b.Tachypnea with prolonged expiration through pursed lips is present. acheter viagra canada Naturally occurring bombarding sulfur with neutrons.The most commonly used definition of social support is that it is the perception and actuality that one is cared for has assistance available from other people and is part of a supportive social network..During his time at Lille he was asked to investigate beer spoilage with a view to saving the M E DICI N E I N T H E I N DUS T R I A L AGE Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow struck by this simple experiment LOUIS PASTEUR brewing industry huge losses.Highrisk areas include Africa and Asia. cialis pro Philadelphia Pa Saunders Elsevier chapThe worst part of this procedure was the anticipation.Stewart GD.Telesurgery is the hightech end of the increasing use of computers in medicine.mitral valve prolapse G priligy como se toma F.On no account however could it be said that Galen was wrong.b.This excess GH stimulates the liver to secrete a hormone somatomedin C or insulinlike growth factor IGF that causes the clinical manifestations of acromegaly acro in this term means extremities.This possibly was due to the lower number of severe COPD patients in our study. priligy spray The pump handle was replaced and a Board of Health report recorded In the general use of one particular well at Broad Street having it was imagined its waters contaminated After careful inquiry we see no reason to adopt this belief.HypothyroidismC. canadian pharmacy cialis 20mg Thus normally radiopaque calciumcontaining bone appears white on an xray image.absence of urination
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