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4 комментария

Много есть разных рецептов пирогов с картофелем. но все в основном с отварным. А я от бабушки научилась печь только с сырым картофелем — и проще, и быстрее, и вкуснее!

Готовлю дрожжевое тесто, делю на две части. Половину раскатываю в тонкий пласт на противень и принимаюсь за начинку. Сначала мелко режу и высыпаю на тесто равномерным слоем репчатый и зеленый лук. Потом чищу, мою, нарезаю тонкими ломтиками и раскладываю сверху лука сырую картошку — в 3—4 ряда. На нее — еще слой лука. Присаливаю, перчу, сдабриваю растительным маслом (3—4 ложки). Закрываю вторым пластом теста, защипываю края, смазываю сверху яйцом и — в духовку. Вкуснотища!

4 комментария

PorteShout, 7 января 2016 13:12

excessive hair on the body result of excessive secretion of androgensEndothelial dysfunction may be a main underlying factor for ED associated with many risk factors such as hypertension dyslipidemia diabetes depression obesity cigarette smoking and the metabolic syndrome.IMPLANT An item surgically inserted into the body. annonce levitra en ligne If this happens you may Hear a snapping cracking or popping sound and feel a sharp pain in the back of your leg or ankle Have trouble moving your foot to walk or go up stairs Have difficulty standing on your toes Have bruising or swelling in your leg or foot About Your Injury Most likely your injury occurred when you Suddenly pushed your foot off the ground to go from walking to running or to running uphill Tripped and fell or had another accident Played a sport like tennis or basketball with a lot of stopping and starting You will likely need an MRI scan to see what type of Achilles tendon tear you have.By Simon Flexner Director at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York City had demonstrated that monkeys who recovered from polio had germicidal substances antibodies in their blood.Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism e.Most people are allowed to move their knee right after surgery to help prevent stiffness.Among the products containing nanosilver are tableware ziptop food storage bags towels sheets pillow cases blankets slippers sox mouth wash and a variety of childrens toys including stuffed bears and dogs.Update Date Updated by Linda J. levitra prix baisse A rare cause of syncope b.a radical form of surgery that involved breaching the skull to expose the layers of tissue covering the brain meninges and sometimes even the brain tissue itself.b.Understanding the diagnostic and management strategies for each of these entities is critical for general practitioners in caring for their male patients.Apply your new knowledge to understanding medical terms in their proper contexts such as medical reports and records. roaccutane buy a.Defined as air in the normally airless pleural space buy 5 mg tadalafil online From Goodheart HP.NitricOxide Synthases in the Penis.The following practice guideline statements are specific to the nonsurgical therapies. vivanza 20mg Quick Hit torsades de pointes is a rapid polymorphic VT.J Am Coll Cardiol.
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