Суп-пюре из зелёного салата (сантэ)

5 комментариев
Суп-пюре из зелёного салата (сантэ)

4(четыре) стол. ложечки постного масла, 0,5 чашки очень мелко порезанного лука, 4(четыре) чашки куриного бульона, 3(три) чашки нарубленного молодого салата, 2(два) чашки очень мелко порезанного картофеля, 1(один) чашка щавеля или же шпината, 0,5 чашки сливок, сметана, соль, перчик. Растопить сливочное масло в кастрюле и пожарить в нем лук. Вылить куриный бульон, выложить салат, картофель, щавель либо шпинат. Заслонить крышкой и проварить на слабеньком огне 15 минут Сцедить. Протереть зелень через решето либо пропустить через мясорубку. Выложить зеленое пюре обратно в бульон и вылить сливки. Выложить соль и перчик по своему вкусу. Довести вплоть до кипения и подать к столу вместе с сметаной.

5 комментариев

StepheJet, 7 февраля 2016 18:46

Interestingly I believe that allergy is normal.a. purchase antabuse There are a number of interesting emerging treatments such as vagus nerve stimulation or transcranial magnetic stimulation which uses a metal coil to release electromagnetic impulses.ANTAGONIST DRUGS Antagonist drugs including antibiotics also mimic natural body chemicals and fit into receptor sites in the cell.Abdominal explorationEmail this page to a friendShare on facebookShare on twitterBookmark SharePrinterfriendly version Abdominal exploration is surgery to look at the organs and structures in your belly area abdomen.These imaging techniques conrm the presence of a mass and can distinguish a cystic from a solid mass.c. online pharmacy india cialis influenzae Elderly S.RESISTANCE TO COLD In a thermally comfortable environment the body functions at a minimum expenditure of energy.Quality control of programmes across the UK has not yet been addressed.perineum External region between the anus and scrotum in the male.elsevierdirect.Iatrogenicfor example a bilateral adrenalectomy d. buy generic propranolol online Mohs surgery also called Mohs micrographic surgery is a specialized form of excision to treat basal cell carcinomas squamous cell carcinomas and other tumors.R.In other words to create gas bubble of radius R in a liquid with surface tension T the pressure of the gas injected into the liquid must be greater than the pressure of the surrounding liquid by P as given in Eq.The use of both sGC activators and stimulators may be useful in conditions of altered heme conformation as well as in conditions in which NO synthesis is impaired Lasker et al.This may include a pelvic and possibly a rectal exam. ordering tamoxifen and clomid Mr.If we break down the list of behaviors into specific behaviors tobacco has the greatest contribution to Lecture Vital SignsDefining Health and Illness premature mortalityby far.Abdominal painClassically starts in the epigastrium moves toward umbilicus and then to the RLQ. kamagra in usa united states Methods.
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