Конфеты «Трюфель»

3 комментария
Конфеты «Трюфель»

     Раньше даже на производствах в кондитерских цехах шоколад был далеко не всегда, что уж говорить о домах простых советских людей. Поэтому мы приводим два рецепта — современный и исторический — кому что милей!

     горький шоколад — 300 г

     сливки (35%) — 200 мл

     коньяк — 2 ст. л.

     какао — 2 ст. л.


Сливки доведите до кипения, затем перелейте их в мелко молотый шоколад, перемешайте.

Охладите шоколад до комнатной температуры (около 12 часов).

Добавьте в смесь коньяк и разлейте по формочкам. Уберите конфеты в холодильник до застывания. Готовые конфеты посыпьте какао.

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3 комментария

PorteShout, 5 февраля 2016 07:18

It may be a little uncomfortable to lie flat and still on the scanning table.For example nerve cells that control movement of the left side of the body are found in the right half of the cerebrum.This condition may be congenital appear at birth can occur with aging or may be associated with stroke cerebrovascular accident cranial nerve damage and other neurologic disorders. isotret General characteristicsBr J UrolHowever without rapid treatment a very large overdose of acetaminophen can lead to liver failure and death in a few days.aThis is suggestive of upper GI bleeding if patient has no renal insufficiency.This makes certain Bcells turn into plasma cellshardworking antibody factorieswhich rapidly make armies of antibodies that attack the invader or tag it for destruction.It doesnt mean shes strange.akgimages africanpictures. 100mg generic viagra online .Do not stop taking your medicines without talking with your doctor first.This examination is important during protracted labor or with breech presentation.Sensation is somewhat diminished in her right arm but is nor mal in her right leg.Radiation therapy is used for certain tumors.HSV presents with painful genital vesicles or pustules see FigureAssociated with obsessivecompulsive disorder length of levitra patent Bronchodilators albuterol may relieve symptoms.Chem.Sputum smears are more likely to be negative. what is viagra jelly Also reviewed by David Zieve MD MHA Medical Director A.Equilibrium Considerations for the Human Body force of gravity accelerates it and the body is not in equilibrium.Gradually a sophisticated technology evolved that produces eyeglasses to com pensate for a wide range of visual problems see ChapterIt is important to identify treatable causes of dementia. cialis on line The protective effect was not observed with AD neuropathology which suggests that the study was underpowered to assess this effect or that HRTs protective effects occur independently of neuropathologic changes the authors note.a.There are many misconceptions about contraindications to vaccination..
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