Запеканка из творога с рисом и изюмом

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рис - 1(один).5(пять) чашки сахар - 2(два) столовые ложки. творог - 250г изюм (предпочтительно темный) - 0.75 чашки яичко - 2(два) шт. мука - 2(два) столовые ложки. творожная масса (с изюмом или же курагой) - 500г Замочить изюм в теплой водной массе на примерно 10-15 мин.. Отварить рассыпчатый рис, вылить водную массу, вымыть в пpохлaдной водной массе. Перемешать творог и творожную массу, добавить изюм, 2(два) белка и 1(один) желток, сахар, рис и муку. Масса должна выйдет как не веcьмa крутое тесто и не должна растекаться. Выкладывать массу в жаропрочную формочку, намазанную сливоч. маслом. Взбить желток и бережно смазываем верхушку запеканки. Пpиготовлять в заранее подогретой вплоть до 180С вплоть до появления золотистой корки приблизительно 30-35 мин.. После запекания дать остынуть в формочке.

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Williinvime, 11 января 2016 21:36

Rabies is best known for afflicting dogs but any warmblooded animal can be infected and it can be passed on to humans if they are bitten.Next b a shortened jejunum is brought up to connect with the smaller stomach.Leaky glomeruli can produce accumulation of protein in the urine URINARY SYSTEM I Describe the following abnormal conditions that affect the kidney. vardenafil in osterreich erhaltlich osteogenesisMiscellaneous protein synthesis inhibitors a.Acad.An agonist drug can mimic one of these chemicals triggering the receptors which in turn stimulate a Plasmid ring a small DNA molecule process inside the cell.Recognize medical terms used in the specialties of radiology and nuclear medicine. prednisone 6 day dose pack Inc.A.On auscultation of his lungs you note endexpiratory wheezing and a prolonged expiratory phase.Patients become asthmatic at a young age.This is called a myasthetnic crisis. priligy canada The computer model suggests the His in DNA methyltransferase might be involved in arenearene interactions with hydralazine thus assuming the role of MMNAT PhePatients with chronic dyspnea usually have either heart or lung disease or both.This abnormality occurs in infants born with spina bida.inammation of many muscles polymyositis rheumatica is a chronic inammatory condition causing muscle weakness and pain kamagra from india It also is difficult to determine what percentage of ED is due to venoocclusive ED independent of general arterial hypofunction how to accurately diagnose this condition how often arterial insufficiency coexists and whether or not there exists a subset of patients with this disorder who would benefit from surgical intervention.Some African American girls may start puberty earlier around agestreptococci bacteria is a pluralremoval of hand bones acheter propecia versailles They use nutrients and oxygen to release energy that is stored in food.The presence of liver disease is a primary factor in determining the prognosis.The amount of disorder in a system can be expressed quantitatively by means of a concept called entropy
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