Паштет из говяжьей печени по-домашнему

3 комментария
Паштет из говяжьей печени по-домашнему

Печень говяжья 1000, грудинка свиная копченая 250, чеснок 3(три), лук репчастый 50, перчик помеленный темный 2(два),5(пять), коньяк 80, сало 40, соль 10. Печень, свиную грудинку, чеснок и лук варят вплоть до того момента, пока печень не станет розовой на срезе. Потом дружно пропускают через мясорубку, добавляют соль, перчик, коньяк и растирают. Массу укладывают в формочку, накрывают сверху кусочками сви ого сала, закрывают промасленной бумагой; формочку ставят на противень с теплой водой и помещают в горячий жарочный шкаф на 1,5 часа. Остужают паштет в формочке, выкладывают на блюдо и нарезают тоненькими кусочками.

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3 комментария

Vincebaby, 17 января 2016 08:31

PubMed Citron JT Ettinger B Rubinoff H Ettinger VM Minkoff J Hom F.E.The prevalence of moderatecomplete ED in men aged over was very high so variations by lifestyle factors were minimal in this group although physical activity was associated with decreased odds of ED in these men. como usar el kamagra b..Kidney transplants had just begun and antibiotics were prescribed with almost no regard for the possibility that microbes might develop resistance.A decline in the extracellular circu lating volume results in a decreased GFR and a reduction in sodium excretion. priligy super p-force The largest part of the focusing about two thirds occurs at the cornea.A.Inappropriate severe sweatingA.compute the coefficient of friction at which the tendency of the body to slide and the tendency to topple due to the applied force are equal.Any relapse not just throws the person back but makes alcohol abuse heavier and heavier. isotretinoin for sale Exosomes can transport cargo including ncRNAs and other molecules that are functional in recipient cells.This therapeutic system probably evolved as far back as years ago and even perhaps has its origins or parallels in ancient Europe see p.vitreous humor H.Majority of patients present with nonspecific or mechanical back pain meaning there is no significant underlying cause such as neoplasm or infection or spine pathology.Such work had been forbidden in Ancient Rome so Galen had therefore opened and described the anatomy of animals ranging from pigs to macaque monkeys instead assuming that their insides were similar to humans.impetigo Bacterial inammatory skin disease characterized by vesicles pustules and crustedover lesions. generic cialis best price stapesAlcohol ethanol and vinegar were recorded in Ancient Greece India and China while in Rome Aulus Cornelius Celsus see p.antiPeople often receive a combination of glucocorticoids cortisone or hydrocortisone and mineralocorticoids fludrocortisone.collagen cialis vendita on linea dal canada .Action potentials or longlasting changes in the resting membrane depolarize the membrane potential thus opening voltagegated Ltype Ca channels Kuriyama et al.Symptoms unilateral facial anhidrosis no sweating ptosis and miosis e.The effect of radiation on the healthy tissue can be reduced by frequently altering the direction of the beam passing through the body.
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